A Temporary Set Up for Dyeing Large Pieces of Fabric
Like every other dyer that I know, I use plastic storage bins for my dyeing. They are critical for my gradient dyeing and I can dye up to 6 yard lengths with my current set up. Recently I got an order for 8 yards of 60" wide fabric. I didn't want to turn it down so Chris and I set out to figure out a solution.
It was simple! He cut a few 2 x 4 boards that I can clamp to a folding table. By using clamps I can adjust the width of the frame to suit the amount of fabric I am dyeing. I lined the frame with a large plastic table cloth and now I have a custom sized plastic bin that doesn't leak.
Here it is all set up. I did cover the whole thing in another sheet of plastic to keep any debris (or critters) off the fabric. It worked great and cleaned up easily with a nearby water hose. While the fabric was still on it I removed the bottom board and let the liquid drain off as I used the garden hose to do an initial rinse of the fabric.