Pillowcase Tutorial
Quilts of Valor are often presented with a pillowcase so I try to make matching pillowcases for them whenever I have enough of the quilt fabric left. They go together so quickly and really make a nice wrapper for a quilt gift.
Here's how I make mine.
Here's how I make mine.
Cut 3 fabrics all using the full width of fabric. In the photo the fabric is shown folded in half across the bolt width.
The HEM is cut 11".
the TRIM is 2 1/2", fold this piece in half lengthwise and press. This is the flange that is inserted between the hem and body.
the BODY is 27".
The HEM is cut 11".
the TRIM is 2 1/2", fold this piece in half lengthwise and press. This is the flange that is inserted between the hem and body.
the BODY is 27".
Lay the HEM out flat, right side up and position the TRIM along one of the cut edges. The cut edges of the TRIM is against the cut edge of the HEM.
Position one cut edge of the pillowcase BODY on the HEM/TRIM. The BODY is right side down. Pin all layers together about 10" apart just to hold this together for the next step.
Roll/fold the BODY to within about 3" of the pinned edge.
Fold over the other edge of the HEM and align with all of the other raw edges. Pin through all layers.
Here's another view that shows all of the layers that are pinned together. Sew through all layers with a 1/4" seam allowance. Total accuracy is not important here, the seam allowance needs to be "about" 1/4". Only stitch the long edge. Don't close in the sides!
It looks like a mess but here's the fun part - turn the HEM right side out by pulling the BODY rolling the HEM back on itself.
Straighten out the HEM and press the HEM and TRIM in place. The TRIM will lay back onto the BODY. Using this method gives you a nice finished hem inside and out.
Fold the pillow case in half right sides together making sure to align the HEM and TRIM edges. The three fabrics you selected are likely not the same width. Trim everything to the same width and then sew the side and bottom. I like to use a serger to make sure the seam doesn't ravel. Without a serger I would stitch once with a straight stitch and then in the seam allowance with a zig zag or one more row of straight stitching.