Testing Pens for Zentangling Shoes and Washables
My sister in law taught me Zentangling and I immediately decorated a pair of shoes. As soon I finished them I sprayed them with Scotchguard and the ink immediately ran! Before starting the second pair of shoes I thought it might be a good idea to test some pens.
I'm using the Pentel Gel Roller for Fabric on this pair. While drawing one day I thought about the ink and wondered if the ink from the IdentiPen might be OK if I hadn't sprayed it with Scotchguard.
So I decided to test both of the pens that I'm using for the shoes and every other pen/marker that I could find around the house.
I'm using the Pentel Gel Roller for Fabric on this pair. While drawing one day I thought about the ink and wondered if the ink from the IdentiPen might be OK if I hadn't sprayed it with Scotchguard.
So I decided to test both of the pens that I'm using for the shoes and every other pen/marker that I could find around the house.

Here are all the pens that I could find to test. In order from top to bottom:
Uniball Vision
Dollar General black ink pen (my favorite writing pen, really)
Sharpie Fine point marker
Pigma Micron
Pentel Gell Roller for Fabric
Sakura IdentiPen
Zig Writer
Uniball Vision
Dollar General black ink pen (my favorite writing pen, really)
Sharpie Fine point marker
Pigma Micron
Pentel Gell Roller for Fabric
Sakura IdentiPen
Zig Writer

I marked on 2 pieces of white fabric with each pen. Then I spritzed one with water and one with Scotchguard.
Only the Sharpie marker ran when sprayed in water but both the Sharpie and the Identipen bled when sprayed with Scotchguard. Maybe I'll just put the Scotchguard away and just let the shoes get dirty naturally.
This is good news for my first pair of shoes. I can wear them and not worry about what will happen if they get wet. I should have just skipped the Scotchguard.
The shoes below are done with a Pentel Gel Roller and 2 years later they still look great.
Only the Sharpie marker ran when sprayed in water but both the Sharpie and the Identipen bled when sprayed with Scotchguard. Maybe I'll just put the Scotchguard away and just let the shoes get dirty naturally.
This is good news for my first pair of shoes. I can wear them and not worry about what will happen if they get wet. I should have just skipped the Scotchguard.
The shoes below are done with a Pentel Gel Roller and 2 years later they still look great.