When Mom was over visiting a couple of weeks ago I was in the middle of "bag mania" and I told her not to be surprised if her birthday card contained the scraps from those efforts. I just have the worst angst about tossing out scraps when they still have potential to be something. I really had a hard time with the blue scraps from the zipper bags. I tried a few postcard design ideas that fell really flat and I almost gave up. When I get to that stage it means that I'm trying too hard and I need to simplify. On the sewing table I spied the cork leftovers from making the bag handles and the idea of simple squares was born. I cut all of the blue into as many 1" squares as I could and then added some blue, white and orange cork squares. I fused them to a postcard base. I was careful with the cork pieces to use a pressing cloth but I was mostly just trying to adhere the blue fabric bits. The cork I could hold in place until I stitched over the edges. I used a zig zag stitch with a 3.0 width and .4 length to stitch over all of the joins and then finished off the edge with a wider zig zag. Once I had my design worked out these went together really fast. This is all that's left of the blue South African fabrics! I made 7 of these cards. Mom's was already in the mail when I took this photo.
I hope you all have a great weekend. I'll be finishing the quilting on the big green quilt and, hopefully, cutting out some 9-patch blocks for my long term family quilts project. 7/23/2021 12:16:23 pm
You are right, simple was best with those scraps. They are spectacular! 7/23/2021 01:23:50 pm
What a grand idea for the folded note cards I make - a way to play with "postage stamp" squares without having to worry about seams! Lucky recipients that get your wonderful postcards.
Mary Anne
7/23/2021 06:16:00 pm
Adding the cork was rather brilliant, as was the pop of colour against the blue. Texture AND colour = win/win
Beth H-now living the rural life in KY!
7/24/2021 07:45:31 am
I love your postcards. One of my favorite things about Shweshwe fabric are the ditsy and geometric prints. They just go together so well! If I ever decide what to do with my Shweshwe... I'll save the scraps too!
Sylvia Anderson
7/24/2021 09:30:07 am
You are so clever Vicki, and love this version of of Mom's Birthday postcard. It's very eye-catching in it's simplicity, and think you could make other postcards, using scraps from a wide variety of fabrics.
Nancy Sumner
7/24/2021 02:52:20 pm
What a creative solution...I hate throwing away scraps too! Love this idea!
Kay Welch
7/24/2021 03:37:04 pm
These may be simple in design, however they are stunning in presentation. Love Love Love - I have several boxes of one inch squares my sister gifted me many years ago (she got them from Keepsake Quilting). There are at least 6 small boxes, or more. May have to copy this inspiring idea. hope that's Ok.
Peg S.
7/24/2021 09:28:14 pm
Kathleen's quilt is stunning!
7/26/2021 07:43:00 am
Wow! Those postcards are fabulous!
7/28/2021 11:27:17 am
Wow, didn't these turn out great! Comments are closed.
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I'm Vicki Welsh and I've been making things as long as I can remember. I used to be a garment maker but transitioned to quilts about 20 years ago. Currently I'm into fabric dyeing, quilting, Zentangle, fabric postcards, fused glass and mosaic. I document my adventures here. Categories
December 2024